Healthcare is very competitive today. Distinguishing a large group or institution from all the other groups and hospitals can be a daily challenge. Some of the ways this can be done is by maintaining a professional, yet personal, approach in dealing with patients and the public at large. A visible mark of distinction can be what your employees wear.
What is the appropriate dress for the staff and physicians in offices and hospitals today?
This question is one that causes confusion in many work places, not just the medical arena. Staying current and up with the times in dress is important. The days of everyone being in white and nursing caps seems to be a thing of the past. However, problems can arise if guidelines are not specific. Dress codes left to individual interpretation can leave room for big surprises.
Uniforms of some sort give an air of professionalism and a sense of solidarity. Different departments often adopt a certain color unique to them and easily identifiable. For instance, pediatric situations may want to gear their uniforms to the children so they do not seem threatening. In certain departments, lab coats over street clothes offer protection and look professional. Scrubs are essential in many areas and reduce concern for getting clothes soiled. Shirts or coats with hospital and group logos offer another good choice.
One of the most important reasons for uniforms is to let the public know who you are, that you are at work, not at play, and that you are not some stranger off the street who comes into a patient room in the middle of the night. In short, you should look like what you do and who you are.
If anyone has to question what you do or if you are working, it may be time to evaluate what you are wearing.
Here are some basic tips for dressing today:
- Establish well-defined dress codes and enforce them.
- Be clean and well-groomed. Shorter fingernails are more professional and more hygienic. Avoid acrylic and artificial nails. Save nail art and dramatic nail color for social situations.
- Hair kept short or up is suitable and more professional. It is also, more hygienic.
- Keep make-up subtle.
- Fragrances should be kept to a minimum and if you smoke consider how you smell leaning over a sick patient. Use breath mints and mouthwash. Consider not smoking in your uniform.
- Well fitting clothes are a benefit to everyone, no matter their size.
- Clothes should be clean, well maintained and pressed.
- Panty hose should be worn with skirts, bare legs are unprofessional.
- Invest in, and use a full length mirror before leaving the house.
- Pants may not be flattering to all women. If that is the case, consider a uniform with a skirt.
- Jackets and blazers add an air of authority and professionalism to men and women.
- Identification badges should be visible at all times (first names only, may be necessary for security reasons) and should be worn on the right shoulder so they are easily seen. Add a verbal introduction, stating your name and position..
- Save athletic shoes for athletics. Wear clean, polished, professional shoes. No sandals…closed toes and heels are best.
- Jewelry kept simple and to a minimum presents a more professional image.
- Gum chewing is not a part of any uniform.
Individuals in administrative positions or positions that do not require a uniform, including physicians, should use care to look professional and well-groomed. It is just as important as those requiring a uniform.
It has been said, that the way we are dressed can influence the way we work and how we are perceived. When the public looks at you and views your work environment, what do they see?
Thank you, Karen, for this thoughtful article. I would love to see medical staff take these ideas into consideration especially gum chewing.
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