Correct holiday greetings.
A lot of discussion.
There seems to be a lot of discussion these days about the correct holiday greetings. Saying “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings” to people versus “Merry Christmas” bothers some people and they are offended about being pressured to say one greeting over another for the sake of being politically correct. And I appreciate their view. However, it seems we are becoming overly sensitive and getting offended by everything these days.
Historically, the term “Happy Holidays” stems from the Old English meaning “holy day” and was used as a regular religious greeting in centuries past. And the list of our presidents who have used the phrase “Seasons Greeting” or “Happy Holidays” on their official White House Christmas cards includes, Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Reagan, Clinton and Obama. They did this so they would be inclusive of everyone’s religious beliefs.
A sign of respect.
I too, consider it more about being respectful of other people’s beliefs than being politically correct. If all of your friends celebrate Christmas, then do wish them “Merry Christmas,” but if you have friends and clients who do not celebrate Christmas, wish them “Happy Holidays,” “Seasons Greetings” or a specific greeting for their beliefs. In doing that you’ll have all of the bases covered.
In the business world
In the business world I would defer to a “Happy Holidays” greeting or “Season’s Greetings” on the holiday cards you’re sending out. It’s about being more inclusive…not politically correct.
The reason for the season.
Be mindful that the season is about counting our blessings and wishing each other good will. So, focus on being sincere instead of the “Correct Holiday Greetings” words. With that mindset, we’ll all be better off. Be kind and respectful of all faiths and traditions.
To all the people who read this blog, I wish you all a warm and peaceful season.
Well said Karen.
A couple of decades aago on Christmas Eve as I was leaving a small shop the hijab wearing owner called out “Merry Christmas” to me. I have to admit to being unsure how to respond. I big smiled was enough.
Just yesterday a Buddhist friend closed an email with “Happy Christmas”.
I appreciated their acknowledgement.
Many times I’ve said “Happy Eid” to those I know follow Islam.
When in doubt “Happy Holidays” covers it all.
Thank you for your comments, Suzanne. I always appreciate your contribution. How nice to hear that people of other traditions are respecting yours.
“Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays” & “Season’s Greetings” to you.