Survey for Grief Book
I am doing research for a book that I am writing on dealing with grief and the etiquette that goes with it. I’d appreciate your comments to the questions listed below. Feel free to answer as many or as few as you’d like. Also, feel free to add more comments separately.
If you think of any other questions that you feel would be of value, please share those, too.
To respect your privacy feel free to email me your comments directly at karen.hickman@p/ The identity of anyone replying will be protected using a pseudonym and or changing details to protect your privacy.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on a difficult subject. My goal in writing this book is to enlighten people on the best ways they can help friends and loved ones when they are experiencing loss in their lives.
1. If you have lost a loved one, what was your relationship to the deceased; a spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent or friend
2. How long has it been since your loved one died?
3. Was their death sudden or after a long illness? If sudden, what was the worst part for you?
4. If they had an illness of any length, were you able to care for your loved at home?
5. If you kept your loved one at home, did you have help? If yes, who?
6. Did your loved one die in the hospital or another medical facility? If so, were the needs of your loved one met?
7. Did the staff demonstrate compassion toward your loved one and your family?
8. Did your family member’s physician and/or staff acknowledge the death of your loved one with a note or a funeral home visit?
9. If yes, were you appreciative?
10. Has the grief process been more difficult than you had imagined?
11. Was there a point in time when you felt a shift and lessening of your grief? If so, how long after your loved one died was it?
12. Who were the most supportive people to you after your loved one died? What were the most helpful things people did for you
13. Who were the least helpful? Why?
14. What were some of the most surprising things people said to you after the death of your loved one?
15. What questions did you dislike answering.
16. Did you seek counseling? Was it a group or private counseling?
17. Was your counseling helpful?
18. Were there any particular books on grief related topics that you found helpful? If so, which ones?
19. Was there anything in particular that helped ease your pain? For instance, certain rituals, meditation, wearing an article of clothing of your loved one, etc.
20. If there was one piece of advice that you would give someone who is new to the grief process, what would it be?
Hi Karen,
What a great idea. Not sure how to answer the questions. I guess I will just reply below.
Warm regards,
Peggy M. Parks, AICI CIP, CPBS
Phone: 404/266-3858
Fax: 404/364-0298
The Parks Image Group, Inc.
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