Meetings are a fact of life for most people, whether at work, while sitting on boards, or doing community service. Observing some courtesies during meetings can make the difference between an effective meeting or one that runs amuck.
Following these etiquette tips will help facilitators and attendees get the most out of their next meeting:
- Post the time and date.
- Start and arrive on time.
- Offer an agenda, if possible, ahead of time.
- State and post the rules of expected behavior.
- Be prepared with your contribution to the meeting.
- Silence cell phones and avoid texting during meeting.
- Turn off computers unless it will be used for the meeting.
- Stay on task and don’t monopolize the conversation.
- Be open to the ideas of others.
- Keep tempers in check.
- Don’t speak out of turn or interrupt.
- Give the person speaking your undivided attention, no side conversations.
- Thank the facilitator or guest speaker.
- Follow Parliamentary Procedure when necessary.